de coproduits agricoles utilisés chaque année (en alimentation animale ou méthanisation)

food flavors are sold each year. Most of them coming coming from chemistry synthesis

of mass market food offer is ultra-processed

Change Food Paradigm thanks to Fungi

At fungu’it we produce augmented flavors thanks to upcyling.We use vegetal co-products fermented with fungi to get new 100% natural Fung’redients!

Nos ingrédients Fungu'it

Our “augmented flavors” coming from solid fermentation ar revolutionary:

They are the missing link between flavors and proteins

We use the overwhole biomass produces which does not generate any additional waste

They are 100% natural without any kind of ultra processing


Natural ingredient:
sans extraction
ni ultratransformation


Low energy process
Low water usage
No additional
agricultural land needed


healthy food
In inflation

They support us


They want to change the food world & restore fair fortune

Find out who they are !


After a successful engineer degree, he worked for 5 years as a project manager on the "grand Paris" metro project. Nevertheless, Anas felt the need to make a name for himself as an entrepreneur. He met Jeanne during his master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at EM Lyon, and they decided to set up a business together, to restore fair fortune.

Head of Research

Graduated of Agroparistech and with a degree in Life Sciences from the University of Paris 6, Jeanne's experience in the agri-food industry motivated her to change it radically. She met Anas during a master's degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, where they decided to join forces and embark on the Fungu'it adventure to “change the world”.


Diplômé de l'Ecole Polytechnique, de l'ENPC et de la London School of Economics, Cyrille s'est rapidement spécialisé dans l'excellence opérationnelle et la transformation durable, tant au sein d'entreprises comme Air Liquide ou Orange qu'en cabinet de conseil comme EY et le BCG. C'est au BCG qu'il a fait la connaissance d'Innovafeed, qu'il rejoint pour y travailler pendant quatre ans à la tête de l'excellence opérationnelle et de l'innovation technologique. Après avoir rencontré Jeanne et Anas, et rassemblés par leur engagement en transformation durable, il rejoint l'aventure de Fungu'it !